The cost of design…

Friday, May 14th, 2010 by TBD

I came across a list posted by Nora Reed who has researched the supposed cost of well known logos. While the costs from some might seem staggering ($15,000,000 for the new ANZ logo we found some design commentary on earlier) there is more to the story. The cost obviously isn’t just for the design of the logo. With these huge organisations there is research and and months of internal and external wrangling as well as an extremely comprehensive graphic standards manual to be developed covering every minutia of collateral as well as sample applications for hundreds of different applications. While maybe not to the extravagant scale of the City of Melbourne ($240,000), an investment in brand is one all businesses should make.

Similarly it is interesting to see that the cost for the Nike swoosh was just $35 when they were starting up… the thought to ponder though is how much Nike has since invested in that logo and its application and administration in order to develop the brand we know today.

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